Harm & Conflict:
Youth & Families
At RJIM, we believe that no young person should be incarcerated, all young people belong in school and community.
We know that young people are brilliant, resourceful, generous and able to learn and grow. Police, probation, suspension, expulsion and incarceration are not helpful to young people growing up. What is helpful is community, care, connections and opportunities to make amends when there has been a mistake or cause harm.
We know that when schools use punishment that excludes people from community, people are at more risk for doing harm in the future, and more risk for future involvement in the criminal legal system. This is a system called the “school to prison pipeline.” That’s why our Youth and Young Adult Justice programs provide a direct pathway away from punishment, toward community care and meaningful accountability.
Mistakes and responsibility for those mistakes are an important part of life- but they don’t define us. Restorative Justice processes allow young people to be seen for all of who you are, while you take responsibility for a mistake and take action to make it right and make sure your community is safe. You and other people involved in the situation have a voice and a say in the outcome.